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Sermon: The Shepherd of the Sea

Watch the sermon from last week.

Journeying with the Shepherd of the Sea: Video

Watch a discussion with Pastor Kim and Carol "Mom" Sato about journeying with Jesus through life's storms. 

Open Spotify and listen to the playlist.

The purpose of this playlist is to help you live the gift that is your life!!!

Hopefully the Holy Spirit will connect you to the Word, reminders of God’s desires for the human race, understandings of how our neighbors engage with life and much more! Many of these songs will be from artists who may not personally know Jesus—they are here because all good things are taken up into the life of God and belong to God. He provided the resources to create these songs and when they are shared they become part of the good gifts that God gives us.

Every week new songs will be added based on new themes that arise from our time in the Word on Sundays!

Please email any song suggestions you might have:

Book Recommendation

Sarah’s Laughter: Doubt, Tears, and Christian Hope
by Vinoth Ramachandra

Sarah's Laughter provides a reflection on suffering that is deeply personal and both theologically and philosophically astute.

Vinoth Ramachandra draws on his distinctive positioning as a Sri Lankan Christian theologian — one who has lived and ministered in contexts shaped by the destruction of natural disasters and the violence of human evil — to confront the intellectual, moral, and political challenges posed to faith in the increasingly broken world of the twenty-first century. Yet far from being an abstract discussion of theodicy, this book is intimate and vulnerable, embracing the biblical practice of lament and inviting an authentic response to grief - one that makes space for serious doubt and profound questioning. Sharing his own ongoing journey with suffering and a questing faith, Ramachandra reminds us that lament and joy, faith and protest, clarity and ambiguity, belong together in faithful Christian discipleship. It is not in bypassing the darkness of the world, but in embracing it — in imitation of the incarnate God - that we may glimpse the new creation.

Order the book here